Tuesday, August 28, 2007

College English. March 2007.

Some ideas on teaching English from College English, March 2007, a publication of the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE).

How can this journal's readers respond quickly to articles in the journal?
Web site for College English at which readers can respond immediately to articles published in this issue of the journal. [However, only members of the NCTE and subscribers to the journal are able to use this service. RayS.] J Schilb. CE (Mar. 07), 313. ***

What do good university teachers do?
Know subject. Know process of learning. Understand that knowledge is constructed rather than received. Use high level questions. Understand that student motivation should be intrinsic rather than extrinsic. Inquiry-driven with on-going self reflection. Expect more depth of students. Speak well. Encourage students to talk. Use assessment to learn what students know, not to evaluate. Use variety of methods for students to display their learning. Not teaching as telling, but teaching as learning. P. Donahue. CE (Mar. 07), 393-394. *** [Each one of these traits needs to be reflected on in more depth. RayS.]

Other articles contained anecdotes of racism in American society. One of the related issues is the document, "The Student's Right to His Own Language," produced in the 1970s by James Sledd, which proposes that nonstandard English ("Black English") be accepted in English writing classes. Two sides of the issue: Language is part of a person's personality and to denigrate the person's language is to denigrate the person. The other side of the issue is the reality that standard English is expected by educated people. In terms of economics, those who speak and write standard English are rewarded. Those who speak and write nonstandard English are rejected. RayS.

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