Friday, July 3, 2009

Topic: Interviews

10-second review: Advice on interviewing.

Title: “The Most Common Interview Problems—And How to Get Around Them.” Norman Lobsenz (past president of the American Society of Journalists and Authors, who has authored 20 nonfiction books and written 1,000 articles for national magazines). The Writer (May 2009), 32-33. The Writer is a magazine written by writers for writers.


1. “Have a list of questions, but refer to it sparingly. A casual conversation gets a person talking more freely than a rigid Q & A.”

2. “Save your toughest question for last.”

3. “When the interview is over, always say, ‘Is there anything else I should have asked?’ ”

4. “Finally, walk slowly when leaving, People often remember a key fact or the perfect anecdote just as you go out the door.” p. 33.

Comment: Useful advice from an expert. RayS.

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