Wednesday, March 21, 2012

E-books vs. Paper Books

Question: Are e-books quicker to read than regular books consisting of paper?

Answer/Quote: “It will take you longer to tread a book on an iPad or Kindle compared to the printed page, according to recent study that compared the reading times of 24 users on the Kindle 2, the Apple iPad, ad PC monitor, and good old-fashioned paper.”

Quote: “…found that reading on an electronic tablet was up to 10.7% slower than reading a printed book. Yet users preferred reading books on a tablet device compared to the paper book. The PC monitor was universally disliked as a reading platform.”

Quote: “Regardless of how fast people can read on an electronic device, the e-reader is becoming more popular every year…. E-books raked in $313 million in 2009, growing by 176.6% compared to 2008, overtaking audio book sales. In 2010, e-book sales are growing at a rate of 217.3% versus 2009, according to estimates by the Association of American Publishers.”

Comment: With books, I am able quickly to skip around when previewing, reading first and last paragraphs of chapters, first sentence of middle paragraphs in chapters, especially of exposition. It’s also hard to find the end of the book, to know its size. I just finished reading Moneyball on a Kindle, and was completely surprised when I reached its last page, I have found that I can read more actively with a book, whereas I find myself reading page-by-page with the Kindle. Maybe that’s the major difference—active reading—between e-readers and books. RayS.

Title: “Books Beat E-Tablets for Reading Speed.” Reading Today (August/September 2010), p. 33.

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